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Help for refugees

Published March 18, 2020

How you can contribute to the medical care of refugees with Tomorrow.

Many thousands of people are currently fleeing from war, conflict, persecution and extreme poverty. They have had to leave their homelands and, in many cases, also their families. While most of us are spending these uncertain times in our safe, comfortable homes, others all over the world are being forced to endure catastrophic conditions. And while the main worry for many of us right now is running out of toilet rolls or protective face masks, these refugees don’t even have access to basic sanitation facilities and food.

Thousands of people are currently stranded and seeking help at the borders to Europe and on the Greek islands. In conditions that cannot be considered humane. Through no fault of their own – for reasons including war, poverty, forced displacement or because they have become pawns in political power games. As we, the Tomorrow community, want to contribute to improving the situation, we’ve come up with an idea:

We have integrated a donation feature into the app that makes it easy for you to donate to Doctors Without Borders in just a few clicks.

How it works: Make sure you have the most recent version of the Tomorrow app. Open it. Click on “Send money”. Select the uppermost contact – Doctors Without Borders. Enter the amount you would like to donate. Confirm the transaction and select whether you want to receive a donation receipt or not. Done! 💚

The Doctors Without Borders organisation uses its donations to pay for the medical care of refugees. And not only in Europe, but also for many other projects worldwide.