After months of tinkering away and adding the finishing touches, we were finally ready to launch Tomorrow Zero on 25 February 2020 – the world’s first account, that offsets the average annual carbon footprint of a person in Germany, around 11 tonnes per year.
Today we are incredibly proud of our constantly growing Zero community, which meanwhile makes up around 10% of our total account holders. And we have achieved a great deal in the first year, starting with the many tonnes of CO2 that we have offset together. In fact, you have already offset a whopping

with Tomorrow Zero. And if that’s not a reason to celebrate, we don’t know what is!
Our Projects
This has been achieved with projects in the Global South, where Tomorrow Zero is contributing to the prevention of CO₂ emissions. During the past year, we have supported the following three projects:
Worldwide access to clean drinking water
Supporting small-scale farmers in Peru with micro-loans and rights to land
Biogas plants in Vietnam
Find out more about these projects here. Overall, we currently stand at:

A lot has already been achieved here too: with your help, the biogas plant project in Vietnam is now fully financed. Which means that more than 179,000 biogas plants have been built, giving 850,000 people in Vietnam access to more sustainable energy generation. We’re over the moon about this success and will soon be letting you know which project we’ll be supporting next. The next milestone followed in December:
Our wooden card
The limited wooden card, which is now an exclusive feature of the Zero account. With “Wood is the new good” as its slogan, it symbolises a new attitude to money and consumerism. As the card is made of sustainably grown cherrywood, it reduces single-use plastic usage by 80%.

So now that Zero is officially no longer the new kid on the block, we’re looking forward to everything the future holds. One thing’s for sure: the more of us there are, the more we will achieve together. So please tell your friends about Tomorrow Zero or make your own important contribution to all our tomorrows:
For its birthday, Zero generates even more impact
We want to use this annual review as an opportunity to take our environmental mission one step further – and for that we need your support: for every successful referral to Tomorrow by 1 March 2021, we will offset one tonne of CO₂ as part of a bamboo reforestation project. And if, thanks to your recommendations, we are able to offset 300 tonnes during this time, we will match this total ourselves, thereby doubling the impact! So what are you waiting for? Protecting the climate is a collaborative effort because every tonne less makes a big difference. Read why here.

Quelle: Climate Partner
Now all that remains left to say is...thank you for being such a fantastic and active community! Thank you for all your input, requests and suggestions. With you, Zero will continue to grow and grow.
We can’t wait for many more years with you and Tomorrow Zero. But first it’s time for some cork-popping celebrations – cheers!