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Now you get interest up to 2,5%*! Grow your money on the Savings Account!

It's Beta, Baby.

Published August 12, 2018

Since the beginning of July, our internal beta phase has been running, during which we have been busy testing the app and card within the team: We bought plenty of organic vegetables and ordered Fair Trade coffee in the buzzing, quirky Schanzenviertel. All the practical small and large technical features that characterize mobile banking work perfectly - from push notifications to the automatic categorization of all expenses and revenues. Check!

That’s why it’s time for the public beta phase! It starts on the 20th of August, and the 150 or so testers who had previously applied will receive a separate e-mail with access. @Beta-Community: we can’t wait to get your feedback, let’s have it.

We also have good news for Android users who can hardly wait: At the beginning of September we will also start testing for you. There is still some space in the beta community, feel free to apply!

And for everyone else - just wait a little longer. We plan to finish testing in September. And we’re good to go, for everyone. You’ll be hearing from us!