It’s Christmas time! Instead of continuing to fuel the consumption frenzy, we are starting a fundraising campaign for young people in Uganda together with “Welthungerhilfe”. You too can participate!
There’s no denying it - the Christmas season is just around the corner: the gingerbread pyramids in the supermarket are towering at recordheight, childrens’ crooked craft creations are dangling in the neighbour’s window, and everyone wants to make an appointment for something or other, soon, before the holidays.
So, your 2019 resolution to finally open a green account has probably been pushed onto the back burner. But the good news is that 2019 is not over yet, and, to remind you of your intentions at the end of the year, we’ve come up with something very special: this December, we have teamed up with “Welthungerhilfe” (World hunger relief) to raise money to help people in an emergency situation. Specifically, we have selected a project in Uganda which we want to support together with you. How will you manage it all on top of the Christmas stress?! Quite simply: open an account with Tomorrow in less than 10 minutes, enter the code UGANDA and we will donate 10 € to Welthungerhilfe. So you do two good turns at once, all between relaxed cookie baking and Last Christmas singing.

Why Uganda?
Jobs and habitat there are on the decline due to pollution and the over use of natural resources. In a country where the majority of the population (70%) is under 25, this is particularly dramatic. High youth unemployment often results in poverty and the feeling of a lack of prospects. To counteract this, twelve green colleges are being set up in the Rwenzori region-training centres for sustainable professions initiated by Welthungerhilfe. Young women and men learn how to process and market fruit, how to build energy-saving stoves and install solar modules, and how organic farming works. In this way, they become “eco-entrepreneurs”-entrepreneurs in environmentally friendly occupations. Makers of a better tomorrow, so to speak.
What are you waiting for?
We’d be delighted if you would join us-and work together with us for a better tomorrow. Choose a sustainable account that protects the rainforest and finances renewable energy. Make your contribution to the Green Colleges in Uganda. We look forward to changing the world for the better with you.
Merry Givemas!