Dear friends, How time flies.
At the beginning of the year we set off on a journey with the Tomorrow project, full of energy, with great ambitions and, yes, a dash of naivety. The goal: to finally get sustainable finances out of the niche and onto the mainstream agenda. Now, around 10 months later, we have taken a big step forward: the first consistently mobile and consistently sustainable current account is now on the starting blocks.
There’s still some way to go, and the to-do list seems to reach from here to the moon and back. But this first milestone on the road to the “banking of tomorrow” is a reason to celebrate - at least we think so.
First Day of Tomorrow
On 16 November, it will be time. The public beta phase ends and life begins in earnest (for us at least): On that day the first few hundred of you will be able to open a Tomorrow account. Bit by bit, we will bring on board the entire waiting list, which today already comprises a proud 3,952 people. Are your friends still in the dark about Tomorrow? Then let them know quickly so that they don’t just look blank when you start saying: #itswhatsinsidethatcounts. For example, they could just watch this video, and the rest will take care of itself. Our hard-working busy beta bees, whom we can’t thank enough, can of course continue to use their accounts as usual. That´s a matter of honour. There’ll just be a formal adjustment of what you get for your money to follow in the coming days. Don’t worry - the correction is in your favour. You’ll get more information about our launch very soon. Stay tuned!

Yet more “banking experts of tomorrow”.
The Tomorrow team is growing and growing. And still no one wears pinstripes. Today we may introduce three new faces to you: Andreas takes over the Customer Support and thus the baton from the super-intern Clara, who is continuing her philosophical studies (Come back soon, Clara, we miss you already!). As “Master of Finance” and Nordic rock in the surf, Andreas is a worthy successor and perfect contact for the big & small problems of mobile banking. Also new on board and already indispensable: Lilli, who takes care of our communication. Since she’s here, we’ve been practically drowning in Likes. And whilst were on the subject of thumbs up: Hanna, who possesses the rare talent of reconciling a cheerful nature with a mania for order. From now on she will take care of administration and bookkeeping - in a really good mood. Hard to believe… But now there are supposed to be on-trend AND sustainable banks …

What does banking have to do with bubbly brews and boat refugees?
At first glance, only the first letter, admittedly. But Jakob, one of our founders, knows better than that: “It’s all about responsibility, empathy, attitude”. For his work as co-founder of Lemonaid & ChariTea, his honorary position as chairman of SOS Mediterranee and our joint project, Tomorrow, Jakob received the honorary model award of the Bayreuth Dialogues last week. We’re sharing his joy, cracking open a bottle of something organic and sparkling, and keeping our fingers crossed for SOS Med that they can continue their important work! Bayreuth.jpg Let’s talk money. And about technology. And about sustainability. And… In the last newsletter it was a side note, and here it is again: We now have a forum in which you can have a great discussion. If you have questions about current and future features of Tomorrow; if you want to help shape the “banking of tomorrow” - then you’ve come to the right place. Under Leon’s moderation (fans from way back will remember: the Permaculture Shaolin) you can geek out, exchange ideas and stand by other users if something gets stuck.

We are pleased to introduce… Our first advert.
OK, this is not quite right … But the great Jan Böhmermann sums up exactly why the financial world cannot continue as before. Or, as we’d say: Banking must not cost the earth. Click here for the current issue of Neo Magazine Royal. So, now it’s back to the finishing touches.

Your Tomorrow Team greets you with anticipation