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The Tomorrow Forum: Let's talk about money

Published October 23, 2018

Sustainability, technology, dialogue.These are the three pillars that will shape the “bank of tomorrow” and make it a unique project. We have been working at full speed on the first two since day one.

You can read what we mean by sustainability and what it has to do with money here. And the website also gives a first impression of how we imagine technologically up-to-date banking. And, even more important: Soon you will all be able to try it out yourself - because the launch is approaching (#firstdayoftomorrow).

Now to the dialogue. Although we’re not officially on the market yet, there’s already a lot of feedback and discussion going on. Without you, it wouldn’t be half as much fun to make the Tomorrow project real. Our testers play a big part in this, but many others of you are also eager to contribute to the bank of tomorrow.

To ensure that these discussions can continue to take place in a focused, topic- and solution-oriented manner, a new place has recently been created for this purpose. The Tomorrow Forum. Different topic streams offer the possibility to clarify details or technical questions and to gather experiences from all users. Topics, ideas and thoughts are moderated and answered by a Tomorrow employee. Leon makes sure that nothing gets lost and no problems go unchecked. The forum is the place for discussion and exchange about technical features and problems, news from the banking world and (utopian) ideas about mobile banking. Anyone can easily participate in Tomorrow’s further development, collaborate and thus become an important part of the movement.

… and what else?

The exchange of the community is not only expressly welcome in the forum, but also on all other Tomorrow platforms, especially the social media channels. For some intensive exchange around the question “How do we want to live tomorrow?” we especially recommend the Facebook Community. Here all members can ask big and small questions and get answers.

However, if you have individual problems with your (beta) account, we recommend that you contact support directly. By this we mean, for example, that the fingerprint login is drawing a blank or that any other aspect of the app isn’t working for you. By chat, email or telephone, Andi or Clara can help you directly and personally.

In addition to the numerous opportunities to actively participate, you also have the opportunity to follow the individual projects we are working on. The engine room is, so to speak, our glass-walled office. On the Trello board, we visualise for you what we are working on and what we have planned for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

We are convinced that working with the community is a central part of the bank of tomorrow. Proud and grateful for what the community is doing, we are eager to see what we can change together in the future.