Your share in tomorrow – part 2: we’re upping the ante with a second round of our crowdinvesting campaign. Why are we doing that and why is it so important to give our community the chance to become investors? All is revealed by our founder Michael Schweikart in an interview.
We have set out to channel money in the right direction and transform the finance sector together with you. You’re all constantly showing us how close the matter is to your hearts and how much you are supporting us on our journey – especially during our first crowdinvesting campaign last year.
In October 2021, we’ll be launching round two of our crowdinvesting. To find out the whys and wherefores, we asked our founder Michael Schweikart to join us for an interview.

Why are we doing another crowdinvesting campaign?
The response to last year’s crowdinvesting was overwhelming. In just five hours, three million euros were raised by around 2,000 investors. Ever since then, there has been a huge demand among our community to take a financial share in Tomorrow.
In addition we are very happy, that we have raised another 14 million euros from professional investors which will help us grow even further. Therefore we also want to give our community another opportunity to get involved.
Why is it so important to have our community on board?
We want to show that challenger banking provider like us don’t need to promote profit over values. This is a path we are only taking with people and companies who share our values and mission, such as selected professional investors, but also our community.
After all, right from the very start we have been doing what we do together with you – and for you. You never tire of sharing your enthusiasm, ideas and also your criticism with us so this new chance to participate in Tomorrow’s success is our way of giving you something back.
What has Tomorrow achieved since the first crowdinvesting?
A lot has happened since last autumn. So far we have protected over 240 million m² of rainforest and more than 42 million trees, offset over 60 million kilograms of CO2 and increased our impact investments to more than 30 million euros. We have more than doubled our number of customers, started supporting Apple Pay, launched a new account and a climate feature, will be introducing a new pricing structure for our accounts in October and soon we’ll also be bringing our first own consistently sustainable investment product onto the market. We were named one of the world’s best B Corps and our team has grown to more than 90 bright sparks! What a ride!
What will the money be used for?
We are currently dedicating all our energy to our first sustainable investment product. We are working hard to finalise new features and also continuing to focus on growth to increase our impact even further. Our internationalisation plans are still in the pipeline, but we have made the decision to put them on the backburner for the time being, which will allow us to focus on our investment products for the rest of 2021.
What does becoming a crowd investor actually mean?
Every single one of you can get involved, buy virtual shares and then participate in Tomorrow’s future success. You can come on board with as little as 100 euros! If Tomorrow makes profits, you will have a share in them; and the same applies if the company goes public or is sold. Together we can play a part in driving forward the social and economic change that the world urgently needs right now.
We believe in our success – nevertheless, there is always a certain level of risk associated with crowdinvesting. So you should never invest money that you, worst case, cannot afford to lose.
Want to know more? Find out everything you need to know here.