Good values for a good cause: Here at Tomorrow, we have defined a set of values that act as our benchmark in all decisions we make and ensure that we are always fully focused on our mission. Read here to find out what they are, and which ones particularly resonate with individual members of our team.
Every organisation needs values that the entire team can commit to, us included. So, in the middle of last year, we clearly defined and put into words everything we collectively see as being essential to our work and our mission of contributing to a better tomorrow for everyone. These are the values we came up with:

We aim to shape our common future in a positive way. We are part of the solution to the social, ecological and economic challenges we face as a global society.

We strive for great impact and want to grow by scale. By constantly learning and staying adventurous, we aim to change the world.

By sharing vital information internally and in public, we hold ourselves accountable for our actions. Thus we ensure fairness and fidelity to our mission.

We shape Tomorrow as a team. By supporting each other and by being honest and empathic we will achieve our ambitious goals.

We engage with our users and further stakeholders at eye level and invite them to actively participate. Their needs help us to guide our actions.
Which value is especially important to you?
Here at Tomorrow, we live and breathe all our values. Without exception. And yet there are some that we can particularly relate to – or are especially present in our daily work. Sönke, Anastasia, Silke, Florian and Lilli from the Tomorrow team reveal the values that really resonate with them…
Everyone should have the right to a future. That’s something that I am particularly mindful of in my role as a father. Our future on this planet, and especially that of my son, is currently in the balance. That’s why I want to contribute to a better tomorrow for future generations. Not only privately, but also with all the energy that I invest in my work. In my role at Tomorrow, I can play an active part in designing a product that brings about positive change. And that’s not all: as a developer, I can enable everyone who uses our product to do their own bit for a better tomorrow: by protecting endangered rainforests, offsetting their carbon footprint and financing renewable energies.

I want to add value with my work. In my eyes, we can only do that at Tomorrow if we’re all connected and consider the needs of everyone who interacts with us. This is how we are growing into a strong community that is opening new doors and initiating change in the banking world. Me, you, us – anyone who identifies with our values can be a part of it. That’s how I understand our welcome culture, which I experience on a daily basis in the onboarding of new team members. I want to create an environment that makes everyone feel like they really belong to the community.

I believe that companies shouldn’t only see themselves as a profit-generating cog in the global economy, but also play their part in finding a solution to the challenges facing our generation and future generations. As a provider of financial services, we can do good because we work with an incredibly powerful lever: money. To help us make a change in the world, for us, our children and our children’s children, we want Tomorrow to grow and grow. And we stand by that. Conveying this idea to the world and showing that success and growth don’t have to be at the expense of humanity are what drives me every single day. What if money finally stopped being part of the problem? Crazy, right? But it’s not actually that unrealistic – provided we all have the guts to stand up and take action.

For me, transparency is the cornerstone of all our other values. Without it, we won’t be able to create a better tomorrow for everyone. As part of the Business Intelligence team, I contribute to this value by making the data and findings from our daily work visible and comprehensible for the entire team. But the topic of fairness also plays an important role in how we deal with data transparency because many companies use discriminatory algorithms – which disadvantage people on the basis of their gender or other characteristics, for example. But that would be neither compatible with Tomorrow’s mission, nor our values. Fairness is pretty much a given when there is a high level of transparency, which is exactly why this value is so essential.

In the time that I’ve worked at Tomorrow, the team of six employees has grown to more than 60. Every month we are joined by new people with the widest range of perspectives and skills. That can be hard work on the one hand, because you have to constantly reorientate yourself and adapt to one another. And processes automatically change as a result. But on the other hand – and, for me personally, this outweighs anything else – it’s just so motivating to see how much our joint mission unites us and how we all pull together. Everyone in their own way – but always in the same direction: using money for positive change and showing the big guns that things can be done differently.