No more excuses for not saving money - Tomorrow now has subaccounts!
It’s goodbye to that hidden envelope with Grandma’s Christmas money that you sneakily raid when there is no cash to hand. Bye bye dusty old savings account, for which you have forgotten your login details - once again.
Our “pockets” are here to make saving money easy for you. Simply think of a motivating name like “summer holiday” for your savings project, select a picture for your new subaccount and you’re ready to go.
You also have the option to set a savings target. This way, you can keep track of your progress for each subaccount and get notified as soon as you have reached your goal!
Sure – in the end it’s still you that has to put the money aside, but with the pockets you are more than prepared. If you haven’t already, download the latest app version and get started.
This is how we like to save for tomorrow - Our pockets make it possible.
SAVE FOR A/YOUR BETTER TOMORROW Do you want to make 2020 the year of fulfilled resolutions and save something at the same time? How about putting the corresponding amount in your subaccount for every disposable coffee cup or every packaged snack that you didn’t buy on the go? Thus, you are doing something good for the world and yourself at the same time.
SAVE UP FOR WHAT YOU REALLY WANT Pockets can do much more - for example, you can regularly put some money aside, be it for a new bike or the next trip with your loved ones. And if you already know your savings goal, just enter the amount in your pocket - there you go: a progress bar will appear that points you in the right direction.
SAVE FOR A RAINY DAY Money market accounts are out, pockets are in! Yes, we want you to have fun using the Tomorrow app, whether you’re spending money or saving it. Rainy day fund - that doesn’t sound much fun at first. Having enough money stashed away in case the washing machine suddenly breaks down is a great thing, though. Just save a small amount in your safety pocket bit by bit and you’ll be prepared for worse times, should they ever come.

Want to know more? We’re covering the most frequently asked questions about Tomorrow Pockets here. What are you waiting for, create your first subaccount and start saving!
Du willst mobiles, nachhaltiges Banking? Dann eröffne jetzt dein Tomorrow Konto.