We have given Tomorrow a whole new look. “But why?” you may be asking. Find out right here.
Standstill? Not with us. Or with you, for that matter. After around two and a half years, Tomorrow has been turned from a vision into a reality – with more than 30,000 customers, almost 10 million euros in impact investments and the protection of over 40 million m² of rainforest.
Time to give the Tomorrow brand a fresh coat of paint, we thought! But this rebranding has changed nothing about our mission, our home base in the St. Pauli district of Hamburg or our ambition to continue stirring up the sector – on the contrary, in fact. Our outer appearance now matches our inner values even more.

Today we are already the first consistently sustainable and consistently mobile banking provider. And tomorrow we want to be a comprehensive platform for sustainable finances. Your financial home, so to speak. And this constantly evolving mission is now also reflected much more clearly in our design: through more substance, more warmth and more of a human touch. After all, we’re not an anonymous fintech company out to make a quick buck. We are a team of over 50 true believers that wants to change the financial world and make money part of the solution.
The human side of technology
In all our developments here at Tomorrow we try to see technology from a human perspective. Because who do we want to make these long-lasting and positive changes for, if not for us as a (global) society?
With our latest and upcoming features, we want to make banking more intuitive, sustainable and transparent for you. Like our new IBAN scanner, which means you no longer need to type out annoyingly long numbers. Or our first investment product that we are currently fine-tuning and will, in the future, enable you to provide for your own personal tomorrow. And that’s not all in the pipeline for us right now.

For our new design we collaborated with Berlin-based artist duo PLATFORM. They translated our idea of “The human side of technology” into paintings that not only consider the human side of technology, but also the aspect of (financial) culture. Because that is also of paramount importance for us – we are constantly re-examining what kind of a culture we are contributing to and how we can change what doesn’t correspond with our philosophy. Finances are not an abstract concept, but a social one that affects us all.
Money and technology need to be part of the solution, not the problem. We’re working on it. Every day. For you. With you. For a better tomorrow. Are you with us?
With immediate effect, all new customers will be sent the card with the new design. If you already have an account with us and would also like to receive a new card now, you can order one in the app! And we will even offset the card replacement – for every card, one euro will be donated to the Plastic Bank. Find out more about the initiative here.