The question of how we want to live tomorrow occupies us on a daily basis. One thing is certain: the answer to this is multifaceted and can not be summarised in one simple formula. And that’s why we want to look further afield, break out of our little bubble and talk to brilliant people who - in very different areas - could have some answers.
We’ve started a discussion together with our friends from Viertel \ Vor Magazine. You can listen too: in our new podcast “Über Morgen (About Tomorrow)”. We will meet people who deal with all of our tomorrows, or enter uncharted territory with their own actions. Thinkers and role models, so to speak. It will be about the small and big issues of change - about different perspectives on life, how we live, and how we could live.
Wir müssen über Morgen reden | 1
Who’s talking about tomorrow?
The change has come, that’s for sure. In favour of our planet and the people who live on it. For years, Viertel \ Vor magazine has been talking about creating sustainable lifestyles, and how each individual can contribute to this kind of change. So it’s pretty obvious why we’re starting this podcast project together. Anna, editor and initiator of V \ V, and Jakob von Tomorrow will present “Über Morgen” as a duo. They meet different characters and find out what they think our future should look like.

What should they talk about?
From A for activism to Z for zero-waste. “Über Morgen (About Tomorrow)” will deal with all sorts of topics related to the future. The very first episode focusses on our own projects: the online magazine Viertel \ Vor and the sustainable banking app Tomorrow. It’s about first times: how to start a digital banking app, even if you are not interested in finance or technology, for example. Anna and Jakob wonder if Instagram can save the world, even though it’s all more about style than substance.
Marcus, Anna’s life and work partner, and Inas, another face of Tomorrow’s founder trio, also join the conversation. The four discuss whether sustainability has to hurt and to what extent it has to do with comfort zones. They come to the conclusion that sustainable alternatives have to be at least as good, in terms of appearance and functionality, as the conventional counterparts. Listen in!

Wie wollen wir morgen leben
Because we like to spoil you, the second episode is available right after the first one. Anna and Jakob talk to Melodie Michelberger about how we want to love ourselves tomorrow. Melody is a feminist and body activist. She’s fighting for it to finally become a social convention that all forms, colours and expressions of bodies are perceived as right and good. With her Trust the Girls initiative, Melody has created a platform for women who support each other and want to get better together.
The conversation is about the social role that physicality plays. In a sense, as the root of all evil. Melody tells how she came to realise that every body is precious and valuable. Here, women have always played a central role, holding a mirror up to society, criticising and changing it. The three talk about Instagram, the difference between Hamburg and Berlin, and how feminism is understood in 2019.
Podcast | Melodie Michelberger
Where can I listen to “Über Morgen”?
On all major platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Google Podcast. Or right here. We’d be thrilled if you could leave us feedback on Instagram, Facebook or email, give us inspiration for more guests and tell us how you think we should live tomorrow.